Elliott Gregory

I love my job. For almost fifteen years I have gotten to work in the incredibly fulfilling and flat-out-fun field of youth ministry. It is an honor to be part of a student’s faith development as they weather the teenage years. Working in youth ministry is very exciting, but there is also no shortage of trails or heartache. That is why I am so thankful for the education I received at King.

No other span of time in my life has carried a greater impact on who I am or what I do than my four years at King. As a student, King provided me with many opportunities to learn though service and study. I loved taking part in student led worship on campus and partnering with our chaplain to organize chapel services. I was pushed outside of my normal boundaries on culture tours and developed a heart for missions on spring break mission trips.

My classes in Bible and Religion challenged and greatly strengthened my faith. I learned effective and responsible ways to study the Bible. My youth ministry classes taught me ministry models and communication techniques that I employ daily. Basically, Bible and religion showed me what to teach; youth ministry showed me how to teach it.

When I graduated, I was in the unique position to turn down job offers. While many of my friends had to continue their education in grad school to find employment, I found many churches that were eager to hire. I worked as a full time youth pastor for seven years before entering seminary. My education at King more than prepared me to face the rigors of seminary.

After working at a wonderful church in my home state of West Virginia for almost nine years I got the opportunity to move back to Bristol where I now serve as the Associate Pastor of Youth and Teaching at Discovery Church. Being in Bristol has brought me full circle and now I get to work as a professor of youth ministry at King. I love getting to mentor a new generation of youth workers in the same way I was mentored at King.

Youth ministry is perfect for anyone looking for a fun and fulfilling career that makes a serious impact on our world; and King University provides the education you need to get a job doing it.

Elliott is an adjunct faculty teaching Youth Ministry and Foundations of Christian Thought and Practice.