The Business Office is located on the bottom floor of the E.W. King Library Building, across the hall from the Registrar’s Office. The office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. The Business Office offers a wide array of services to all students, parents, faculty and staff, including check cashing privileges up to $100. Identification is required when cashing checks. Student payroll is on the last business day of the month. The payments are direct deposit into a checking or savings account.
Student insurance information can be found within the Campus Policies section.
Fees: All fees quoted throughout the Student Handbook are subject to change at the discretion of King University.
Business Office Staff

Lettie Jackson
Associate Vice President for Finance

Lisa Baratta
Student Accounts Receivable Specialist Supervisor

Kelly Pennington
Payroll & Benefits Specialist Supervisor

Alexandra Duffy
Accounts Payable Specialist
Sherry Ogle
Assistant Controller