Title IV Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
The federal government mandates institutions of higher education establish minimum standards of “satisfactory progress” that include quantitative/pace and qualitative standards for students receiving federal financial aid. King University makes these standards applicable to all institutional funds as well as to all Title IV funds.
Enrollment Status:
Financial aid recipients must be regular degree seeking students at King University, working toward an undergraduate Bachelor degree, teaching certification, or a Graduate level degree. Students must be enrolled at least half-time to receive financial aid unless exceptions are made by Title IV regulations for specific federal programs.
The Process:
Satisfactory Academic Progress will be reviewed and evaluated at the end of each semester of enrollment. When placed on Financial Aid Warning, Financial Aid Probation, or Financial Aid Suspension, the financial aid office sends written notification to the student’s permanent address as noted on the Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) and to the student’s King University email address.
Failure to meet either the quantitative/pace standard and/or the qualitative standard will result in the next semester of enrollment being considered a warning period.
Financial Aid Warning:
Financial Aid recipients will automatically be placed in this status for one semester the first time they fall below the standards of satisfactory academic progress. We recommend the student meet with a representative of the Academic Center for Excellence, academic advisor, and/or Dean of Students.
Failure to meet either the quantitative/pace standard and/or the qualitative standard, at the end of the warning period, will result in losing financial assistance eligibility.
Financial Aid Probation:
The student may submit an appeal to the financial aid office. The appeal will be reviewed by the financial aid committee. If approved, the student will receive a probationary semester. At the end of the probationary semester, the student must have met the satisfactory academic progress standards to continue receiving financial assistance.
The financial aid committee may determine an academic plan for a student submitting an appeal. If the standards of such plan are met, when satisfactory academic progress is reviewed at the end of each semester of enrollment, the student will continue on a probationary basis.
Federal regulations allow for certain cases in which the school may waive the standards for satisfactory academic progress. Specifically, if a student fails to be in compliance with one or more areas of satisfactory academic progress due to events beyond the student’s control, such as extended illness, serious illness or death in the immediate family, or other significant trauma, and if such mitigating circumstances can be appropriately documented for the specific term(s) in which the deficiency occurred. Appeals must be made in writing to the Financial Aid Office using the King University Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form, and the student should also submit any available supporting documentation. The appeal should be well presented with attention to spelling and grammar, and it should outline the extenuating circumstances that contributed to the student’s inability to meet SAP standards and what has changed that will allow the student to meet SAP at the next evaluation.
The maximum number of appeals a student may submit is two (2).
Appeal Deadline for Submission:
The student will receive a letter (permanent address indicated on FAFSA) and an email (King University email address) regarding not meeting the standards of the Title IV Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. This letter will inform the student of the deadline date for submission of an appeal form. Appeals must be submitted on or before the deadline date as stated in this letter. The typical time frame to submit an appeal is 15 calendar days from the date of the letter sent to the student. The student should pay close attention to the deadline date for submission of the appeal that is indicated in the written communication he or she receives from the Financial Aid Office.
Financial Aid Suspension:
Students are placed in this status if they do not meet SAP standards at the end of the semester they are placed on Financial Aid Warning. Also, students are placed in this status, if the student was provided with an academic plan, as part of the appeal process, and is not meeting the requirements of such academic plan. Financial assistance cannot be received while the student is on Financial Aid Suspension.
Additional Information:
It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the Satisfactory Progress Policy. This policy is available for review in the catalog, on the financial aid portal, and on the financial aid web page. Copies of the policy are also available in the financial aid office. A student who has a concern about his or her status should contact the Financial Aid Office for specific personal consultation.
A student at risk academically can receive assistance through college sponsored counseling, tutoring, career guidance, and/or advising.
Transfer Hours: Only transfer hours accepted by King University will be counted toward the qualitative standard and quantitative standard/pace.
W, (Withdraw),F, Pass/Fail, Repeats, Incomplete, NG, will count as attempted hours when calculating quantitative standard/pace.
A 0.0 GPA within any semester does not warrant meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress and federal financial aid eligibility will be suspended.
Hour Deficiencies (quantitative/pace) may be made up at King University or at another accredited college/university and transferred back to King University. It is in the student’s best interest to receive counsel from the Office of Registration and Records to ensure transfer hours will be accepted by King University.
GPA Deficiencies (qualitative) can be raised ONLY by taking courses at King University.
Appeals: Maximum of two (2) may be submitted, per student.
Regaining Eligibility for Financial Aid: When placed in Financial Aid Suspension (lose aid) status, eligibility may be regained by resolving all deficiencies (quantitative and qualitative). The student is able to receive financial aid again once they fully meet the SAP standards. Students who have met the standards are eligible for financial assistance for the next enrollment period.
Qualitative Standards
Traditional Undergraduate Programs:
At the end of the semester: | When this number of hours has been completed: |
Required Cumulative GPA for Satisfactory Progress: |
Freshman | 0 – 25 | 1.6 |
Sophomore | 26 – 55 | 2.0 |
Junior | 56 – 87 | 2.0 |
Senior and above | 88 – graduation | 2.0 |
Must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater after 4 semesters of enrollment.
Adult Studies Programs:
Must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater each semester of enrollment.
Graduate Programs:
Must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater each semester of enrollment.
Quantitative Standards
Calculating Quantitative Progress/Pace:
Cumulative number of credit hours completed divided by cumulative number of credit hours attempted = Quantitative Progress/Pace
Traditional Undergraduate Programs:
The undergraduate student must complete the program within 150% of the institutional requirements. Institution requires 124 semester hours earned.
Maximum Time Frame: 186 attempted semester hours/6 years
Measuring Pace: To remain eligible for financial aid, students must earn at least 67% of hours attempted each semester.
*We recommend students attempt to average 31 earned hours per academic year in order to graduate in four years for programs that require 124 credit hours.
Adult Studies Programs:
The undergraduate student must complete the program within 150% of the institutional requirements. Institution requires 124 semester hours earned.
Maximum Time Frame: 186 attempted semester hours/6 years
Measuring Pace: To remain eligible for financial aid, students must earn at least 67% of hours attempted each semester.
*We recommend students make every attempt to complete all hours required each semester in these accelerated degree completion programs in order to meet the quantitative/pace standard.
Graduate Programs:
The graduate student must complete the program within 150% of the institutional requirements. Institution requires an average of 36 semesters hours earned, inclusive of the following graduate programs: Traditional MBA, Professional MBA, M.Ed., M.Ed./Teacher Licensure Option, and MSN.
Maximum time Frame: 54 attempted semester hours/6 semesters
Measuring Pace: To remain eligible for financial aid, students must earn at least 67% of hours attempted each semester.
*We recommend that students make every attempt to complete all hours required each semester in these graduate programs in order to meet the quantitative/pace standard.
Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Graduate Program:
The FNP graduate student must complete the program within 150% of the institutional requirements. Institution requires 45 semesters hours earned.
Maximum Time Frame: 67 attempted semester hours/7 semesters
Measuring Pace: To remain eligible for financial aid, students must earn at least 78% of hours attempted each semester.
Additional Questions? Contact Us:
Email: [email protected]
Office: 423.652.4725