Student Affairs

Email: [email protected] 
Phone: 423.652.4740

Where can I get my immunization record?

Check with your parents, high school, post-secondary school, college you attended, or previous employers (including the military).

What immunizations are required for attendance?

MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), Varicella (Chicken Pox), Hepatitis B, and Meningococcal Meningitis. (Completed Doses)

Can military members submit DD-214 as a proof of immunization?

Yes, current and former military members may submit DD-214 to meet all immunization requirements.

Do I have to turn in proof of Varicella (Chicken Pox)?

All students born after January 1, 1980 must show either a history of chicken pox, a positive Varicella antibody, or two doses of vaccine given at least one month apart if immunized at the age of 13 or older meets the requirement.

What if I’m unable to locate proof of my MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)?

MMR vaccines can NOT be waived.

What if I cannot provide proof of Hepatitis B or Meningitis vaccine?

Both of these vaccines can be waived. You need to read and sign the Hepatitis B and Meningitis waiver.

When is the deadline for completing the student immunization record?

All immunization records need to be turned in by the 10th day of the student’s first semester of enrollment.

Does the student immunization form require a health care provider’s signature?

If you can provide an official copy from your local health department, high school, college you may be transferring from, or a form provided by your doctor’s office. If you cannot provide an official copy, then you will need to have the health care provider’s signature.

Do GPS students have to turn in an immunization record?

When will applications be available for the LAUNCH leaders and co-chair positions?

LAUNCH co-chairs and the committee will be selected in January

What ways can I be involved in campus life at King?

There are numerous ways to get involved at King including: athletics, SLACK Sports (Intramurals), SGA, SLACK, Student Ministry teams and multiple student organizations.

When do I receive my copy of the Student Handbook?

The Student Handbook is available online by clicking here.

Who do I speak with if I have a question about a policy in the Student Handbook?

The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students or Vice President for Student Affairs.

What should I do if I have a concern about a student?

You can contact the Dean of Students to advise them of a concern regarding a student. Please note: if you feel a student is in immediate need or harm, you should contact emergency services or campus security.

What is the King Honor Code?

The Honor Code describes each individual’s responsibility to uphold the community life standards and campus policies as a member of the King University community:

On my honor, I pledge to abide by the King University Honor Code. I understand that students of King are to be honest in words and actions, in particular, not to lie, cheat, plagiarize, or steal. I pledge to conduct myself in a manner based on Christian values and to require the same of fellow students. I understand that a violation of this Honor Code may result in my appearance before the Honor Council.

All students are expected to abide by the King University Honor Code. For more information regarding violations of the Honor Code, please consult the Student Conduct Process section.

What happens if I violate the King Honor Code?

You will be subject to the Student Conduct Process as outlined in the King Student Handbook.

What is SGA and how do I get involved?

SGA is the Student Government Association and consists of students elected to represent various classes as well as executive officers. You can visit the SGA page by clicking here.

What is Experience DC?

An experiential learning trip to Washington, DC, held in mid-September for all new freshmen.

Are all freshmen required to attend Experience DC?

Yes, we expect all freshmen to participate in the trip.

What Academic Support Services are available?

The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), Upswing (24/7 online tutoring service), and the Online Writing Lab (OWL) are tutoring services available for King University students who need or want to succeed in their academic career. Each of the services is staffed by a qualified faculty/staff member.

What if I have a disability?

You will need to provide appropriate documentation to The Office of Learning and Disability Services, who will then work with you on accommodations.

What if I have special dietary needs?

Please contact the Director of Food Services. Dietary needs will be accommodated as appropriate.

Where do I get a new/replacement student ID?  

The Student Affairs Office, Maclellan Hall, Room 12.

I have lost my student ID.  How much will it cost me to    replace my ID?  

A new ID will cost $5.00. This will be charged to your student account.

My ID has broken.  How much will it cost me to get a new one?    

When you turn in your broken ID, there is no charge for a replacement.

What do I do when my ID card is not working on the residence hall door?

Bring your card by the Student Affairs and they will re-encode it for you or print out a new card if needed.

How do I reserve a guest room on campus?  

Call the Student Affairs Office at 423.652.4740.

How do I reserve the Widner TV Lounge?  

Call the Student Affairs Office at 423.652.4740.

How do I get access to the Student Center Complex?

Hours are posted for the building and weight room at the beginning of each semester.

What do I do if the residence hall washers and dryers are not working?

Email [email protected] with the number on the machine and state the problem.

I need to see a doctor/dentist. What do I do?

There are several Quick Care and Urgent Care facilities in the Bristol Area. If you need additional assistance and are a residential student, please contact your Area Coordinator, or come by the Student Affairs Office.

I’m looking for an apartment or house to rent?

Contact the Student Affairs Office at 423.652.4740.

I received a call that I have a package at the Switchboard?

Contact the switchboard at 423.652.4797 is located downstairs in the E.W. King building.