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Release of Records

Disclosure of Law Enforcement Unit Records

FERPA excludes from its definition of “education records” records created and maintained by a campus law enforcement unit for a law enforcement purpose. Accordingly, investigative reports, security incident reports, and other records created and maintained by campus law enforcement units may be disclosed to law enforcement and others without student consent as defined by King University Office of Safety and Security policy.

FERPA defines “Law enforcement unit” as “any individual, office, department, division, or other component of an educational agency or institution, such as a unit of commissioned police officers or non-commissioned security guards, that are officials authorized or designated by that agency or institution to: enforce any local, state, or federal law, or refer to appropriate authorities a matter for enforcement of any local, state, or federal law against any individual or organization other than the agency or institution itself; and maintain the physical security and safety of the agency or institution.” For this purpose, the King University Office of Safety and Security is designated as the law enforcement unit for the University. For more information visit the U.S. Department of Education’s website for “FERPA General Guidance for Students” at

Request a Copy of a Security Report

King University Security is a private security office that will only release records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other applicable laws. If you were a victim or suspect listed in a report completed by a security officer who wants to review that report, you may request a copy in person during business hours (Monday through Friday). It will take less time if you contact us at [email protected] from your King University email. The University reserves the right to withhold release law enforcement unit records under current policy and law.

To request a copy of a police report, submit a request to:

King University Security Office
Attn: Records
1350 King College Road
Bristol, TN 37620

Or by phone: 423.652.6366, Or by email: [email protected]

To process your request, the following information may be required:

  • Your name, address, contact information
  • Your relationship to the case; for example, “victim”
  • The date, time and location of the incident
  • University identification card or another form of state-issued identification

Results of Disciplinary Proceedings for Any Crime of Violence or a Nonforcible Sex Offense

To request student disciplinary please contact the Student Affairs Office at 423.652.4740 or by email at [email protected].

Policy: Unless otherwise prohibited by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g), upon written request, will disclose to an alleged victim of any crime of violence, as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 16, or a nonforcible sex offense, the final results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted against the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense with respect to such crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the information shall be provided, upon request, to the next of kin of the alleged victim. This provision applies to any disciplinary proceeding conducted by an institution on or after August 14, 2009.

For the purpose of this section, the final results of any disciplinary proceeding:

  • Shall include only the name of the student, the violation committed, and any sanction imposed by the institution on that student;
  • May include the name of any other student, such as a victim or witness, only with the written consent of that other student.

Requesting Information for Third-party Background Check

During business hours investigators or other persons conducting employment background checks may request copies of Security Office records. A response can only be obtained by submitting a signed waiver with the complete name, date of birth, and social security number of the person being investigated. All requests for records related to a background check are based on a name-only search and do not contain official law enforcement records. The security office will respond to each request within 2 to 4 business days. It will take less time if you contact us at [email protected] for an appointment first.