Clery Act – Annual Crime Statistics

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and annually disclose campus crime statistics, security information, and a fire safety report. This information must also be reported to the federal Department of Education by October 1 of each year. In addition to annual reporting, institutions must provide timely warnings about certain crimes and emergency notification of immediate and ongoing threat in a manner likely to reach all members of the campus community.

A paper copy of the Annual Security Report and Crime Statistics report for each campus is available at the Security Office located in the basement of Parks Hall upon request, or by calling 423.652.4705, off campus, or extension 4705, on campus. Written requests can be made to the following address: King University, Security Office, 1350 King College Road Bristol, Tennessee 37620.

The U.S. Department of Education conducts reviews to evaluate an institution’s compliance with the Clery Act requirements.

A review may be initiated when a complaint is received, a media event raises certain concerns, the school’s independent audit identifies serious noncompliance, or through a review selection process that may also coincide with state reviews performed by the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Service (CJIS) Audit Unit.

Once a review is completed, the Department issues a Final Program Review Determination. In addition, the Department conducts general assessment compliance reviews and audits which may also result in fine actions taken by the Department against an institution for violations of the Clery Act.