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King Univeristy's lawn with American flags

Faith and Values


New and Old Testament studies integrate with the history of Western Civilization and Literature to form a community of learners who think critically about cultural captivities and Christian worship. Campus Bible studies are an active part of student life. Many informal student groups meet – across all campuses and locations – for study in residence halls and common areas to reflect upon Christian faith and lives of achievement in Christ.


The Chapel experience provides students, faculty, and staff a time for spiritual reflection and community worship. Chapel speakers broaden thinking, encourage contemplation, and foster a spiritual connection with God.


Weekly chapel and convocations feature speakers from a variety of backgrounds to facilitate critical thinking about western and non-western cultures, to help students examine and understand their own belief systems as opposed to those hostile or indifferent to the Christian worldview, and to prepare students to engage the world through a vital understanding of the Christian faith.

Stewardship of Life

King University is a comprehensive Christian University in the Presbyterian and Reformed traditions and based on the seven school university model. The University is founded on the core belief that because God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the one who is the creator, redeemer and sustainer of all life, all aspects of our knowledge are wonderfully interrelated. Thus, by excelling in our study and vocations, we respond to God’s call to utilize talents and abilities to their full potential. By seeking to transform our culture in Christ, we respond as stewards of God’s creation, agents of peace, lovers of truth, creators of beauty, and servants of reconciliation.

Stewardship of Mind

Transformation of culture in Christ requires the community of learners – students, faculty, and staff – to think deeply about both western and non-western cultures and to appreciate their values, to join with people from diverse backgrounds in the pursuit of worthwhile goals, to be challenged by suffering and injustice, to understand those who hold different worldviews, and to learn how to participate effectively in the larger civil society.

Stewardship of Spirit

King University positions itself as a missional college that prepares students to engage the world and nurtures them in vital Christian faith, rather than as a University with an inward focus that attempts to protect and separate students from the larger culture and the world. King University seeks to foster a campus ethos that stresses the importance of exploration, personal initiative, character, collegiality, humane instincts, aesthetic sensitivities, and leadership.