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Frequently Asked Questions

Preparing for Departure

Q: When should I plan to arrive on campus at King University?

A: You must arrive on campus NO LATER than the date entered on your I-20 in section 5.* Please note: If you cannot arrive by the date entered on your I-20 in section 5, your admission will be deferred to a future semester. If you arrive prior to the date entered on your I-20 in section 5, please contact the International Student Advisor. To ease the communication between you and the offices and departments of King University, please complete the Arrival Form with the specifics of your arrival and email it to [email protected].


Q: Should I notify King University Admissions and/or International Advisor when I receive my visa?

A: Yes! Send an e-mail to King’s International Student Advisor.


Q: What should I bring with me when I come to the US?

A: You should pack clothes that accommodate a variety of seasons, since Tennessee weather is known to change quickly! The temperature in Bristol, varies anywhere from -5 degrees Celsius to 35 degrees Celsius (August through May). There will be opportunities to purchase any items you are not able to bring with you such as Bedding (pillows, sheets, blankets) and towels during orientation week (and future opportunities as well). Check out the Fulbright website for more information on what to bring with you and what you should leave at home.

Arriving at King University

Q: What can I expect when I arrive in Bristol?

A: On the Arrival Information form, if you indicated that you would like someone to pick you up, we will have a representative to meet you. Since many students may be arriving at or near the same time, you may have a slight delay until all who are scheduled to arrive get there. They will help you get situated in the residence halls (if you have completed the Housing Application) and assist you with any necessary items to be comfortable your first night.


Q: Will my room in the residence halls be ready for me?

A: Provided you have completed the Confirmation of Enrollment housing application prior to your arrival, your room will be ready for you.


Q: Will the dining hall be open before classes start?

A: Yes, your meals during orientation week will be provided in the dining hall.


Orientation week

Q: Must I go to orientation?

A: Yes, orientation is mandatory for all international students on F-1 visa. You will receive important information about maintaining your status as an F-1 student, the US academic system, and student life at King University.



Q: What is an academic advisor?

A: You will have several advisors during your time at King. Your International Student Advisor is available to help you with questions about your F-1 status and governmental requirements you must follow while in the United States. They will also help with any CPT or OPT opportunities and much more.

You will also have a Student Success Specialist. They are with the International Student Advisor and will help you with academic questions such as registration and changing your schedule. Typically, you will see a Student Success Specialist during your first semester to first year at King. Once you declare your major, you will be appointed an Academic Advisor.

An Academic Advisor is a faculty member from the department that houses your major. Their main goal is to help you choose appropriate and timely courses to help you complete your degree on time. Your advisor knows the requirements for your specific major and will direct you to take the courses which will fulfill graduation requirements in your area.


Q: Do I get to choose my own classes?

A: During your first semester, your Student Success Specialist will choose your classes. Thereafter you are welcome to stop by the Student Success Office, or if you have chosen a major, speak with your Academic Advisor.


Q: Will I be able to take classes in my major during my first semester?

A: It depends. If you know the direction you would like to go, your Student Success Specialist can help you pick classes that will lead you toward that program of study. If you are undecided, you will take general education courses all students must take during their college career.


Q: What is general education?

A: The King Core Curriculum is the academic foundation for the King experience. It gives Traditional students the skills, ideas, and knowledge they need to pursue their major and minor programs with confidence and good judgment. The Core, expressing King’s values through exploration of the Arts and Sciences and a cross-cultural experience, helps students understand their responsibilities to learn and to serve their fellow human beings throughout their lives.

The Core’s global emphasis and the fact that senior faculty teach many courses translate to advantages for King students in the job market and in graduate school admissions processes. The required 42 hours of general education represent one-third of the hours necessary for graduation and frame all academic work with a balanced Christian perspective.

King’s Core is structured by five (5) Core Competencies in these broad areas: Citizenship, Intellectual and Practical Skills, Human Culture, Human Creative Products, and Natural and Physical World. Students must master these skills and ways of thinking before graduation from King and demonstrate their competence through specific measures detailed in the Core Curriculum assessment plan. The Comprehensive Assessment for general education is OAK (Outcomes Assessment at King), a test that students take in their graduation semester.

Overview of Core Requirements The Core Curriculum is composed of two (2) parts: a Common Experience and a General Education Experience. The Common Experience is intended to be a bridge from the Core Curriculum to students’ academic coursework, majors, and, eventually, to their lives of vocation and service. The General Education Experience assures students obtain the academic foundation needed to be successful in King University degree programs.


Q: What is a semester hour?

A: A semester hour is a unit counted toward the completion of an academic program. Each course is worth a certain number of semester hours (or “hours”) and the number of semester hours reflects the number of hours a student spends in class for that course per week. Students in the United States typically take 14-16 semester hours per semester, which is usually the equivalent of 4-5 classes. A bachelor’s degree at King requires a minimum of 124 semester hours.


Q: How many classes do I need to take in order to maintain full-time status?

A: Undergraduate and graduate students on an F-1 Visa are required take a full-time course load each semester to maintain their status. Undergraduate students must take at least 12 semester hours each semester. Graduate students must take at least 9 semester hours each semester.


Q: When do I need to pay my tuition?

A: You paid an enrollment deposit before you got your I-20, but you should be prepared to pay any additional cost during orientation week. You must speak with the Business Office to determine any outstanding balances and how they will accept any payments.


Q: Why am I required to have health insurance?

A: King University requires all international students to have health insurance, unless they have proof of a current health plan extending benefits while in the United States. King’s accidental insurance policy will not cover health issues. For more specific information, contact the Business Office.


Q: Am I required to live in the residence halls?

A: Full-time students under 21 are required to live in the university housing facilities. You may apply to live off campus if you are over 21.


Q: Am I required to have a meal plan?

A: You are required to have a meal plan if you are living on campus.



Q: Is it necessary to purchase books for my classes or can I share?

A: Professors require that each student bring their own book to class. Sharing books disrupts other students in class and is not allowed. As part of the enrollment process, you will login to to purchase the books required for your courses.


Q: What is academic integrity?

A: Academic integrity involves honesty with schoolwork and testing, among other things. Violation of academic integrity includes cheating on examinations, writing quizzes and plagiarism (representing someone else’s ideas, writing or other intellectual property as your own). For more information, see the Honor’s Code and Ethics in King University’s Student Handbook.


Q: What do my professors expect of me?

A: Your professors will give you a syllabus in the first week of the semester. This syllabus will explain the requirements of the class, including exam and assignment due dates. If you have any questions regarding expectations and what is required to be successful in the course, you should contact your professor.


Q: How important is class attendance?

A: Class attendance and class participation is very important and is often counted as a percentage of your grade.


Q: How can I succeed in my classes?

A: You should attend class each time it meets, participate in class discussions, ask questions when you are in doubt, visit your professors during their office hours to discuss any concerns about the course, and take advantage of any supplemental or tutoring programs offered on campus. (ACE)


Q: How much time should I dedicate to studying, reading the book and homework?

A: It is recommended that you study two hours for every one hour you are in class. This can include reading the textbooks, doing your homework assignments, reviewing your handouts and notes taken during class, and any other methods you use to prepare for class.


Financial Aid

Q: Why did my friend get a different kind or amount of scholarship than me?

A: Scholarships and financial aid packages are based on different types of criteria. Academic scores, admission status, program of study, and activity (athletics or PVA) participation may all impact this amount and therefore each financial aid package is designed specifically to your eligibility and may differ from others.


Q: Can I get more scholarships after enrolling?

A: International students are generally awarded the maximum amount of scholarship when they are accepted to the University. However, in some exceptional cases, it may be possible to receive more scholarships after enrolling at King. Please visit the Financial Aid Office for more information.


Q: Can my scholarships be taken away?

A: Each scholarship is unique. You must read the information you received in your acceptance letter for more information. If you are unsure about any requirement or how a change in your finances may alter your scholarship, please speak with Financial Aid.


General Questions

Q: Can I find a job?

A: Please see the section on Employment.


Q: Should I get a job my first semester?

A: It is entirely up to you; however, we recommend waiting until your second semester before applying for any on-campus position.


Q: I don’t have a car. How can I get around town?

A: Bristol has a public bus service which has a stop near campus. You may also ask Student Affairs for assistance.


Q: Will I have access to a computer when I arrive?

A: Yes, there are computer labs on campus available for King students.


Q: I don’t know anyone in Bristol. What types of activities will be available for me to get to know other students and the area?

A: The Student Life Activities Committee at King (SLACK) is the official student programming board within the division of Student Affairs at King University. During the academic year, SLACK sponsors events throughout the week and on weekends. SLACK’s programs are intended to provide a fun and entertaining environment for the whole student body. In addition to providing entertainment, SLACK also seeks to provide events that engage culture, develop recreational and social skills, support education through partnerships with faculty and staff, and promote spiritual growth through collaboration with the Chaplain’s Office.