Political Science/History Program Overview
The Political Science and History major is a fairly unique pairing of two very complementary disciplines; we believe that by combining these degrees, students gain a deeper understanding of human affairs than either degree could facilitate on its own. We focus on the primary historical and philosophical texts in western civilization, which develops the critical thinking skills needed to succeed in any job after graduation. We supplant this with a working knowledge of the United States Government and its political dynamics, as well as the workings of the international political system. Finally, we offer training in the technical skills needed by professional analysts employed in the political world.
With some modifications and a Secondary Education minor, the program also can be used to prepare graduates to teach grades 6-12.
Program Highlights:
- Liberal Arts approach that provides exposure to classical texts and develops critical thinking skills
- Unique mixture of political science and history to provide a deeper foundation in the subject matter of human affairs than either degree could provide on its own.
- Opportunities to engage the political process through organizations such as TISL (Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature) and the College Democrats Club and College Republicans Club
- Technical training in the skills needed for a successful career in law, politics, the intelligence community, law enforcement, other government jobs, and academia
- Internships that provide critical training and connections
Business (domestic or foreign) | Journalism |
Graduate school (MA or PhD) | Law school |
High School Teaching | Political campaign management |
Intelligence community | Public safety (ranging from the F.B.I. to local law enforcement) |
Public service (on the local, state, and federal levels) |
“I wanted to thank you for all of the theory-heavy work you had me do. Tonight was my first Political Philosophy class, and we had to go around the room and do the standard introductions, followed by describing our experience in theory. I was the only person in the class who had studied Voegelin and Strauss, and one of a handful who had studied Aristotle, Plato, and Locke. The professor was quite impressed. So thanks for all of the theory, it has proved to be an asset so far.”
-John Bebber ’15, current master’s student in Political Science at Appalachian State University.
Political Science/History Coursework
- To view all required courses for a BA in Political Science/History click here.
- To view all required courses for a Minor in Political Science click here.

Laptop Requirement
The Political Science/History program requires a laptop with Microsoft Office 2010 or later, and wireless and webcam capability.