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Michael Joseph Tomczak
Student Engagement Librarian


God has always been working in my life in unexpected ways – leading me where I never thought I’d go. I first went into college in pursuit of a computer science degree – hoping to become a programmer. While I was there, however, I found a campus ministry, the Georgia Tech Christian Campus Fellowship. Through this ministry and my experiences within it, I learned more about what it means to follow Jesus, what Christian community and hospitality look like, and how they can be used for ministry. 

During my time at Georgia Tech, I also had the opportunity to participate in a study abroad program through the Christian Missionary Fellowship. I spent a semester in Bangkok, Thailand, taking university classes and working at a campus ministry, Grapevine, at the university at the same time. This was such an enriching part of my college experience and I returned to the States with a desire to return to ministry. My time in college left me with a love for campus ministry and the ways that it engages with the unique college experience. 

After graduation, I returned to the campus ministry in Thailand where I previously worked. I was on staff there for four years, during which God challenged me in a number of ways, and I grew deep in my faith through that time. I am thankful for the friends I made there and the way it shaped who I am now, but, after four years, I felt like it was time for me to return to the States. 

As this time was coming to a close, I wanted to pursue formal religious education as my next step. I chose to attend Emmanuel Christian Seminary in Johnson City. Having grown up in Knoxville, I was thrilled to return to East Tennessee and to Appalachia. Studying at the seminary pushed me to dive deeper into my faith and my relationship with God in new ways, for which I am immensely thankful. 

Now, I am happy to be working at King, as a Student Engagement Librarian, where I provide library instruction and do student outreach for the library. I previously worked here as a Reference Assistant at the library in 2020-2021 and loved my time at the library. It is wonderful to be rejoining this team at the library and the King family.  



M.Div., Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan University, Johnson City, TN. Concentration in Old Testament 

B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. Majored in Computer Science. 


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