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Work Order (SchoolDude)

Maintenance Direct

Do you require maintenance in your office or area? Use the following resources to submit your request.

First time users:

  • Your username is your King email address.
  • You will need to click “forgot password” and follow the reset password process.

How to submit a request

  • The request will default to your assigned site.
  • Use the drop-down arrow or plus icon (+) to select the Location.
  • Enter the Room Number or other description in the free text field.
  • Choose the Work Category that best fits the nature of your request.
  • Provide a detailed description of what needs to be done in the Work requested section.
  • In the Upload Document/Image section, click Add Attachment to browse your computer/phone to find any applicable attachments. *Note: You can also drag and drop the file you want to attach into this field to upload it.
  • Click the Submit button at the top of your page to submit the work request. You will be taken to your My Requests page after submitting the work request.


How to view your requests

  • After submitting a work request, you will automatically be taken to your My Requests page. You also have the option of clicking the My Requests menu icon on the side of the page at any time.
  • From the My Requests page, you can quickly see the Title, WO Status, Originator First and Last Name, and various other details of your requests.
  • You may also see requests submitted by other requesters at your assigned site, depending on your user role.
  • If you only want to see your own requests, you can filter the list by typing your name into the Originator First Name and Originator Last Name columns and pressing Enter on your keyboard.
  • In order to see more information about a work request, right click on the record and select View.
  • If you need to change something about a request you have submitted, right click on the record and select Edit*Note: If the request is no longer in the status of New Request, you will not be able to edit the record. Please contact your Administrator to make any changes.

Event Manager – Requester Guide

How to Access Event Manager and Log in

  • Open your Internet Browser. Click the following link, or copy and paste it into your web browser:

King University Events (


  • Or scan the QR code below

Side Bar Navigation

  • Once logged into Event Manager, you will be able to access the sidebar navigation.
  • Create an Event:  Click this button to quickly begin creating an event request.
  • View Public Calendar:  The Public Calendar displays all published events marked as public for this site and provides a way for non-users of Event Manager to access event information.
  • Events:  Click this menu option to navigate to the Events Dashboard, where you can view the list of upcoming events, as well as edit and approve pending event requests.
  • Help:  Click this menu option to navigate to the Event Manager help site.

How to Create an Event

  • Click on “Create an Event”. Once you have accessed the event submission form, follow the steps below for creating your request. Any field marked with an asterisk (*) is a required field.
    • COMPLETE EVENT DETAILS: Complete the event details to provide an “Event Name” and “Summary”. Summary can simply be a copy/paste of the event name or it could further describe the event that is taking place, which will show in search results.
    • SELECT LOCATION/DATE/TIME FOR EVENT: Click “Location Search” to select the location(s) needed for this event. If multiple locations are being used, ensure that all have been selected. Once selected, you will see the locations displayed in the top section.  Click “Save”.  To choose the date/time for your event, click the date of the event (if this is a recurring event, choose the first day of the event).  If you need to block additional time for setup or breakdown, you can adjust those on the right side.  Select the time you need by clicking on the appropriate start time on the calendar.  Drag the time slot to be the appropriate length or double click the time slot to manually enter the start and end times.  *Note:  Any times that are unavailable will show with a block marked Reserved. This means the time has been booked with another event.

    If your event will repeat, click on the pencil icon next to “Multiple-Day Options”. *Note: This option will only appear after you have selected a time on the calendar. 

    • Choose between Consecutive Dates and Non-Consecutive Dates.
    • If you chose Consecutive Dates, choose how often the event repeats, and when the event series ends. After choosing the event pattern, the Events in this Series will populate. Any necessary adjustments can be made here before saving, including the event name, date, or time of an individual event.
    • If you chose Non-Consecutive Dates, click on the dates on the calendar you need for your event series. Then make any necessary adjustments to date, time, or event name for the individual events.
    • Some events may be marked as a Conflict. You can choose to skip those conflicting dates, or leave them in the series. *Note: If you choose to skip any dates that are marked as a conflict, they will be deleted from the series. You will not be able to submit your event if there is a conflict.
    • Click” Save.”
  • ADD TASKS (Setup Needs): Click “Add a Task” to open the task box to indicate the setup needs necessary for the event to take place. Enter a “Task Name”. This is the overall name for the task itself and will distinguish it from others in the task list. Enter a “Task Description”. This should be used to provide more detailed information that will give the task assignee the specific instructions for the task.  Select a “Task Type” from the dropdown menu. This indicates the category of work the task falls within. Click “Save” to finalize your changes or click “Save & Add” to finalize your changes and create a new task.
  • SELECT CATEGORIES & KEYWORDS: Select the appropriate category and/or type the appropriate keywords associated with the event. This will allow you to classify your event to make it easier to find when visitors search the calendar.
  • ADD CONTACT INFORMATION: Enter the contact information for the event coordinator or person whom visitors can contact with questions about the event. *Note: This information is publicly displayed for each event.
  • SUBMIT THE REQUEST: ClickTerms and Conditions to review any terms that have been defined for this event form and then click Agree.  When you have finished entering all necessary information on the event form, click the Submit button found at the bottom of the form.  In the pop-up window, click “Save”. The event request will then be sent through the appropriate approval process outlined by the organization for review.

VIEWING YOUR REQUESTS USING THE EVENT DASHBOARD: The Event Dashboard allows you to view events that you’ve submitted.  Click “Events” from the side navigation menu.  To search for specific events, enter any Keywords and/or a Date Range and click the “Search” link to pull the results. You can click “More” to filer the list by category, location or status.  If you need to make changes to an event you’ve submitted, in the Actions section, click “Edit”.  You can make any necessary changes and have it go back through the approval process.  If you would like to create a new event using a previous one as a template, click “Copy”.  This will create a new event, but will have the same information from the previously selected event.  You can make your desired changes and click “Submit” to save your new event.

HOW TO VIEW THE CALENDAR: Click on “View Public Calendar” to see the front-facing calendar view. You will have three different ways to view events on the calendar: summary view, grid view, and list view.

  • You can click on the Search bar to further narrow your search. You can filter down by the date, keyword, category, or location.
  • Once you have filtered your search, you have the ability to share the search results under Share It if you would like to promote your event(s) on social media or Subscribe if you would like to add the results of the search to another calendar system.

Technology Direct

Have a technology need or question for our IT staff? Use the following resources for general information or to submit your request.

Note: If you need Canvas support, please call 833.274.1662. IT is unable to assist with Canvas-related issues.

FS Direct

Want to book a room or schedule an event? Use the following link to submit your request.


Attention: If you require assistance in multiple areas or from different departments, please enter each request separately.